Subhadip's Blog

My experience with the computing world!

Getting started with Kubernetes using Minikube - Deploying an application


This is my second article in the Kubernetes with Minikube series. In the first article I discussed about how to create a local Kubernetes cluster with Minikube. In this article, I will be talking about deploying an application in a local Minikube cluster.

Table of Contents

Simple Web service

Simple Web service is a Spring Boot application written it Java. It has the following REST endpoint: GET /details. And here is how the response looks like:

  "Host name": "simple-web-service-deployment-66c45446b8-9x8bh",
  "IP address": ""

It basically returns the host name and the IP address of the container or VM it is running on.

The source code for the Simple Web service is available on this GitHub link. The application is dockerized and published on Docker Hub as well. I am going to use it as a sample application for deploying in our Minikube cluster.


Deployments are a way to tell Kubernetes how you want to have your application deployed. And a Deployment is described by a Deployment resource. Following is an example of a Deployment resource named deployment.yaml. I am going to use it to deploy our Simple Web service.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: simple-web-service-deployment
    app: simple-web-service
  replicas: 2
      app: simple-web-service
        app: simple-web-service
      - name: simple-web-service-application
        image: subhadig/simple-web-service
          - containerPort: 8080

A few important points about the above Deployment resource:

Now to apply this deployment.yaml in our Minikube cluster, use the following command:

# cd to the directory containing the deployment.yaml file
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

To check the created Pods and their status, use:

kubectl get pods

And you should see something like this:



In the previous section, I deployed our Simple Web service which is running inside Pods. But Pods are mortal, they are not static, they are automatically created and destroyed by Kubernetes. Because of this, the Pod IP addresses can not be relied upon if I need to access them from outside or from another Pod. So I will need a level of abstraction that will talk to the Pods on behalf of me and will be static in nature. Services are that abstraction.

Here is how our service.yaml, the definition of our Service will look like:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: simple-web-service-cluster-ip
  - port: 80
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 8080
    app: simple-web-service
  type: ClusterIP

A few points to note:


Stress on the last line of the previous section. Although our application has a stable IP address now, it is still not reachable from the outside world. What this means for us is that we can’t invoke the /details REST endpoint of our Simple Web service from outside Minikube yet. To fix this, I will have to set up our Ingress controller first.

An Ingress controller is a component within Kubernetes that acts as a bridge between the services and the external world, allowing HTTP(S) connection to reach from the outside world to the services running inside Kubernetes.

Minikube comes with a built-in NGINX Ingress Controller but it’s disabled by default. To enable it, run the following command:

minikube addons enable ingress

After that, use the following command to check for the Ingress controller status.

kubectl get pods -n kube-system

Wait for the nginx-ingress-controller to be running.

ingress controller status

After our Ingress controller is up, I need to configure it. I will need to prepare an Ingress resource similar to the other resources that we used in the previous sections. I am going to call it the ingress.yaml.

kind: Ingress
  name: simple-web-service-ingress
  - http:
      - path: /
          serviceName: simple-web-service-cluster-ip
          servicePort: 80

A few points to note about the ingress.yaml:

To push the Ingress resource, execute the following command:

kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml

Accessing the web service

Now that we have everything in place, it’s time to access our Simple Web service. Minikube is exposed to the host system with a host-only IP address. This IP address can be obtained with the below command:

minikube ip

In my case, this outputs the following IP address: Now if I go to the following link from my web browser:, I will get the below response:

simple web service details 1

If I try the link multiple times, I will get another response where the Host name and the IP address will be different.

simple web service details 2

This is because in the Deployment section, I have deployed two pods of our Simple Web service application and the simple-web-service-cluster-ip Service will route the incoming requests to both the Pods alternatively.


This article gives a basic idea about the steps involved in deploying an application in Kubernetes. The steps were tested with the Minikube version v1.9.2. For accessing the service simple-web-service-cluster-ip from outside, alternatively I could have used NodePort or LoadBalancer methods as explained here.

The source code of the resources files along with the source code of the Simple Web service can be found in this GitHub repository. If you have any feedback or comment about any of the steps, please let me know in the comments.